Editor: Jaap Horst
I have on my site offered a variety of designs with Bugatti-input, ranging from the Chrysler Atlantic, Artioli´s and VW Bugattis, through Custom motorcycles and designs for a T41 Sport Carrera, to quite modern designs by Tsikolia. This is not because I think that the original Bugatti work can in any way be redone, but it is interesting to see how new and young designers try to translate the old Bugatti spirit into a new design. And, there is no question about it, some are successfull, some not. The designs are straight out of a dream or a meditation session. Sleek curves bodies fueled by dreams of racing cars and motorcycles throughout the years. They are both futuristic and classic in design. While these bikes appear straight out of the latest TRON movie, they are in fact real designs of actual road bikes. On this page I show two different designs, both from Russia. I only have the name of the designer of the yellow bike: Alexander Sekirash. He says about his design:
Ettore Bugatti specialized in building racing cars, and never produced motorbikes. The fantastic design of BUGATTI's cars nevertheless inspired me to create these "BUGATTI" motorcycles.
I first investigated pictures of road and sport cars from the blooming period of the famous marque and found out the distinctive patterns of the firms style and romantic spirit of the 30s'. I then tried to imagine how they would have evolved from the 30s to our days. I worked on the base of YAMAHA and HONDA bikes because Japanese bikes are characterized by affordable prices, high quality and good performance.
I chose two possible suspension designs - classic and mono, based on the Yamaha GTS 1000 model.
Like in the 30s, the composition is based on a curved ascending line which stretches from the radiator to the back mud-guard. The bike body is divided in two colors - black and yellow, as it was usual in some BUGATTI models.
It is well known, that servicing the Yamaha GTS 1000 is a more delicate matter than servicing a Honda CBR. Therefore I designed an alternative model based on a classic front telescopic suspension. Although I based our esthetic line on a BUGATTI of the 30s, I was very careful to design my model in such a way it would still look modern and maybe even "avant-gardist".
With its 1-liter engine our motorcycle runs at a speed of 230 km per hour.
Our BUGATTI bike should be very much appreciated by consumers interested in the history of the car industry.
As the chassis and the engine come from popular bikes there should be any problems with servicing.
Alexander Sekirash.
Information provided by Konstantin Pepelyaev:
September 1996
Motorcycle BUGATTI
The project presentation includes a graphic part where art features of BUGATTI cars and a model in 1:5 scale are
The graphics are separated in two parts, the first part consists of the photos of sportsters, tourist and road BUGATTI
models of the flourishing period of the famous brand. It is, so-called, the initial point, the gene of Molsheim cars.
The second part explains how the stylistics would develop for motorcycles of the 30-90-ies of the past century and the
drawings with two forming options represented by projections in 1:5 scale.
Motorcycle assemblies and frame are entirely jacketed, this creates the effect of structure solidity. The idea to apply a mono-suspension came practically at once since we wanted to show webs that were used on some BUGATTI models, in particular, on splendid Royal Type 41. Moreover, such structure has a lot of advantages. These are low friction in mating parts, increased total motorcycle twisting stiffness, anti-pecking effect during braking.
This project was evaluated by professional designers, and was awarded with a Diploma at St.Petersburg exhibition-
contest "The Best Design of 1997".
Original info found on www.designet.ru, though I could only understand the pictures!